Herbs Save Dill Seeds Save Herb Seeds

Save Dill Seeds

Most herb seeds will last about 3 years.  While it is super easy to save dill seeds, you just need to know what the seeds look like.

After producing lots of dill leaves, the plant will eventually bolt and produce flowers.  You know what’s next the seeds!  No pollination is required to produce this herb, cross pollination can occur when the flower blooms.

Seed Saving Tips:

1) Once the seeds form and the flower starts to dry,  you can leave the seeds to completely on the plant.  I don’t prefer this method because I need to to do some succession planting.

2) The other option is to cut the stem and put it in a brown bag upside down to finish drying.  Once they are dry, you can just separate the seeds from the flower stems.  It is that easy!

3) Store the seeds in a brown bag or envelope.



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