Carrot Varieties

Atomic Red Carrots

This is my first year growing Atomic Red Carrots.  I like the color. Features: 1) When you harvest Atomic Red carrots, they have coral skin and orange flesh inside. 2) The color of the skin changes from coral to bright red when you them – I will have to add a photo once I cook […]

Carrot Varieties

Snow Man Carrots

Talk about a dull looking carrot!  That’s because this carrot is called Snow Man. Features: 1) As the name suggests, it has white skin.  It also has white flesh. 2) Snow Man is a imperator type of carrot. 3) With the proper growing conditions, this variety will grow between 7 and 10 inches long. 4)  […]

Carrot Varieties

Shin Kuroda Carrots

This spring I sowed Danvers 126 and Shin Kuroda carrot seeds.  Don’t worry I am sowing other varieties for the fall so we always have plenty to talk about! Features: 1) Shin Kuroda carrots grow up to 5 inches long. 2) This variety loves heavy soils. 3) Another positive feature is that Shin Kuroda carrots […]