Poinsettia Varieties


While you might only find them at the local plant store around the holidays in November and December, poinsettias are not just indoor flowers.


1) Poinsettias come in beautiful shades of red, pink, orange, yellow and white.

2) These flowers prefer indoor temperatures close to 70°F.  This works out at my house because my Mom is always super cold!

3) Poinsettias prefer not to be overwatered.  I usually water them once a week.

4) They enjoy a little attention by being pruned.

5) While poinsettias are not perennials in Pittsburgh, PA, they are in areas that don’t dip below 45°F.

6) If grown as a perennial, they will reach 8 feet and above.

7) This feature is definitely a negative – poinsettias have a toxic sap that can make your cat, dog or kid a little sick if ingested.



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