In addition to my bok choy seedlings, I am also growing kale indoors with the help of my new T5 lights. I started this batch right after New Years.
I am growing two types: Red Russian which I got from Sheri, my gardening buddy and Dwarf Blue Curled from Botanical Interests.

I will transplant these seedlings outdoors after I harden them off – I am just not sure when! This cool season plant typically likes to grow in temperatures above 60°F.
Here are some options to try: Direct sow under double cover about 2 ½ months before, under single cover about 2 months before and without any cover about 1 month before the last spring frost date. You may have to play around with the dates a bit depending on your area.

Don’t forget if you don’t ordinarily like the taste of kale, try different varieties. For instance Red Russian kale is very mild. Also you can plant the seeds close together and harvest small, tender leaves.