Harvest and Store Radishes

Harvest and Store Radishes

Here are my tips for harvesting and storing radishes.

Harvesting Tips:  1) Keep in mind the maturity dates on the seed packet as a rule of thumb.  While most spring radishes are ready in 30 days, winter radishes are ready from 50 to 70 days depending on the variety.   If you know how wide the tops will get at maturity, this is another way to know if the radishes are ready. 2) Don’t forget that radishes still taste good even if they are a little smaller so you can’t go wrong!  3) You usually don’t need a garden tool to dig out radishes, just need to give them a tug.

Storing Tips:  4) I would suggest rinsing the dirt off while you are outside.  5) Cut the green stems to about one inch above the radishes and trim off the roots.  Add the leaves and stems to your composter.  If you like to eat the leaves, this will be a topic for another day! 6)  After the radishes dry, put them in a container in the refrigerator.  Another option is to cut the greens off and store the radishes in water.  This will make them crispy but they won’t last as long.  I like this option for snacking. 7) If you want to freeze them for roasting later on or to include them in a stew, I would suggest blanching them.

Blanching Tips:  8) Boil them whole or cut in pieces for 2 to 3 minutes.  9) Submerge the radishes in ice water for the same amount of time. 10) Let them dry. 11) Individually freeze them on a tray.  12) Place a dinner’s worth in a freezer bag or container and then freeze to enjoy at a later date.

If you need some help with how to Sow and Grow Radishes, just click on it.

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