General Gardening Square Foot Gardening

Garden Plan for Berries

One of the elevated garden beds in my garden is not as long as the other six so I decided to use this one for my short berry plants.  Berry plants are perennials and do not need to be moved.  My goal with the other six elevated beds is to grow annual vegetables and fruit and to rotate the plants.    I already have a berry garden but the main attractions of that area are my five blueberry plants.  In front, I have four raspberry plants.

The variety of raspberries that I’ve been growing is called Raspberry Shortcake. This variety is shorter and thornless and doesn’t send off many runners.  When Alan was done building this bed, I dug up four runners and planted them.   Raspberry Shortcakes will typically get 2 feet tall by two feet wide.  So I am planting my raspberry plants 1 1/2 feet apart.  The focus of square foot gardening is to plant more intensively.

As for the strawberries, I am starting fresh.  I am going to plant only June bearing strawberries this year.  I noticed a variety called Whopper which is known for extra large, juicy and tasty berries.  Now june bearing plants will send off some runners which means more plants.  I am going to put one in the middle of each square foot so I can get some more plants for free!

Also, I am strategically putting the raspberries and strawberries in the same bed since they are in the same plant family, like the same nutrients and don’t want their root disturbed.

I will be sharing some more gardening plans for the other beds soon.

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