Have to share some interesting information about the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies. . .

Features: The male is yellow with black tiger stripes. There are two different female versions. 1) One looks similar to the male but has blue spots on its lower wings. 2) The other is all black with the blue spots on its lower wings. So cool! The wing span can get up to 4 1/2 inches.
Eggs:Â An Eastern Tiger Swallowtail will typically lay one green egg on the leaves of woody plants and fennel herb plants.
Caterpillars:Â The caterpillar starts out brown and white and then becomes green with “fake” orange and black eyes.

Migration: Unlike Monarchs, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterflies don’t migrate. Instead, they overwinter as a chrysalis so they get a jumpstart in the spring.
Beneficial:  These butterflies are beneficial and are great pollinators. They love the nectar of plants like the butterfly bush, milkweed, honeysuckle, lilac and more.