
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies

Have to share some interesting information about the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies. . . Features:  The male is yellow with black tiger stripes.  There are two different female versions.  1) One looks similar to the male but has blue spots on its lower wings.  2) The other is all black with the blue spots on […]

Gift Ideas

Gifts for Butterfly Lovers

The list may vary a bit based on the type of butterfly.  Overall, you can’t go wrong with my top ten list. . . Top Ten List: 1) Host Plants – different butterflies like different host plants.  For example, zebra swallowtails like pawpaw trees and monarch like milkweed. 2) Nectar Bearing Blooms – butterflies in […]


Cabbage White Butterflies

While this looks like an innocent and cute white butterfly, its offspring wreaks havoc on some plants. Features:  Cabbage white butterflies have white wings edged in gray with black spots on the wings.  The female butterfly has two black spots on each fore-wing and the males have one. Their wing span is usually under 2 inches. […]