My dog, Hoover is Crazy for Gardening’s mascot and loves to be outdoors with me.  Actually, he likes to follow or shadow me outside or inside our home. We got him in 2008 as a pound puppy from the Human Society. We think he is part chow and lab.
Hoover has never shown an interest in going into my vegetable garden that is fenced in. However, he will lay outside the fence line to keep me company.
His favorite way to irritate me now is to sit on my snapdragons next to the edge of my herb garden like in the photo above. Even though he is a pest in my herb garden, he is so cute that it is hard to get mad at him!

He previously showed a big interest in going after bees on the blooms in my herb garden. Since he weighs about 60 lbs, he would often trample my flower and herb seedlings in the in the process. I found it helpful to stake the seedlings until they were sturdy enough.  Now that he is older and has eye problems, this is not a big issue anymore.
Think about your pets when you are designing your garden!