
Tiger Bee Fly

This is the first time that I ever saw a Tiger Bee Fly. . . Features: 1) This insect is actually a fly not a bee. 2) I heard there are at least 800 different species of bee flies in North America. 3) Tiger Bee Flies are pollinators. 4) These flies can range between 3/4 […]


Cabbage White Butterflies

While this looks like an innocent and cute white butterfly, its offspring wreaks havoc on some plants. Features:  Cabbage white butterflies have white wings edged in gray with black spots on the wings.  The female butterfly has two black spots on each fore-wing and the males have one. Their wing span is usually under 2 inches. […]


Baltimore Orioles

This article is not about the baseball team from Baltimore.  It is about the beautiful orange and black Baltimore Orioles.  Last year I saw two males and one female hanging in our neighborhood. The prior year, I saw one around my vegetable garden, but I wasn’t prepared for it.   He got under one of my […]