Mountain Laurel Varieties

Carousel Mountain Laurel

I planted two Carousel Mountain Laurel plants at least 5 years ago.  They sure are pretty in the Spring!


1) Mountain Laurel is an evergreen so you can enjoy the plant year round.

2) While the flowers are rather short lived in the spring, the flowers are grouped in clusters of red and white starbursts.

3) Carousel Mountain Laurel is cold hardy down to Zone 4 (-20°F to -30°F).

4) While my plants are 5 feet tall, this variety can reach 8 feet tall and wide.  If you like small plants, then this might not appeal to you.

5) If you have a shady spot under a tree or on the side of the house like I do, this is the evergreen for you!  It will also tolerate part sun.

6) It is a native plant for Pennsylvania.

7) Carousel Mountain Laurel attracts pollinators like bees!

It is easy to take care of.  I usually give it some water when it is blooming especially if we get a hot spell.  Also, I give it some plant food like Holly-tone by Espoma because Mountain Laurels are acid loving plants.

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