Did you know that there are perennial and annual versions of Bee Balm? Today’s topic is the perennial one.
1) The best thing about Bee Balm is that it attracts bees, butterflies and birds.
2) The flowers come in pink, purple, red and white.
3) While you should check the label, most Bee Balm varieties grow well in zones 4 through 8.
4) They bloom in the summer.
5) Some varieties only grow to 14 inches while others grow up to 4 feet tall.
6) They do best in full sun but can tolerate some shade.

After seeing this bee balm at the Finger Lakes in NY, I decided to purchase some for my yard. While I have new growth on it, there are no flowers (see the above photo). I may have to wait until next year!
The last bloom variety we chatted about was Sonata Cosmos.