Amaranth Varieties

Globosa Mix Globe Amaranth

These dainty flowers add some colorful interest to the garden.  I have seen this mix go by different names such as Las Vegas Mix but they have the same three colors! Best Features: 1) This Globosa mix has white, pink and purple flowers. 2) The flower is about the size of a thimble and resembles […]

Coral Bell Varieties

Wild Rose Coral Bells

Last time, we reviewed the features of the Guacamole Coral Bells.  There are plenty more to review!  I also have Wild Rose Coral Bells in my front yard. Features: 1) This coral bell variety has burgundy leaves with dark gray veins. 2) While Wild Rose Coral Bells grows in sun to shade, this variety enjoys […]

Bee Balm Varieties

Bee Balm

Did you know that there are perennial and annual versions of Bee Balm?  Today’s topic is the perennial one. Features: 1) The best thing about Bee Balm is that it attracts bees, butterflies and birds. 2) The flowers come in pink, purple, red and white. 3) While you should check the label, most Bee Balm […]