Vegetable Updates

Kale Seedlings

In addition to my bok choy seedlings, I am also growing kale indoors with the help of my new T5 lights.  I started this batch right after New Years. I am growing two types: Red Russian which I got from Sheri, my gardening buddy and Dwarf Blue Curled from Botanical Interests. I will transplant these […]

Vegetable Updates

Bok Choy Seedlings

Right after New Years, I started growing bok choy and other greens indoors under my new T5 lights.  Take a look at the pictures of my bok choy seedlings.  I have to admit they are looking great!   I am growing three types:  Violetta from Territorial Seed Company, Asian Pak Choi from Burpee’s International Collection and White Stem from […]

Seeds and Plants

Johnny’s Selected Catalog – Fruit

In the Johnny’s Selected Seeds 2017 Catalog, they have 10 types of melons – who knew there were so many! There is Ananas, Asian, Butterscotch, Cantaloupe, Charentais, Canary, Crenshaw, Galia, Honeydew and Piel de Sapo. Under Charentais there are two personal sized options called Escorial and Savor which both grow to 2 pounds. There are […]