Amaranth Plant Family

Amaranth Plant Family

The Amaranth Family has a formal name which is Amaranthaceae.  Let chat about some of the members: Veggies:   Swiss chard, beets, spinach, purslane Grain:  Quinoa Herbs:  Epazote Flowers & Blooms:  Amaranth, Globe Amaranth, Cockscomb/Celosia, Portulaca Similarities:   Purslane and portulaca are both succulents.  The leaves for all the veggies listed above can be eaten.  While I […]

Grass Plant Family

Grass Plant Family

There are some grains, a veggie and some ornamental blooms in the Grass Family or Poaceae Family.   Here are some of the members that you might find in a garden: Veggies:  Corn Grains:  Barley, millet, oats, rye, rice, sugarcane, wheat Blooms:  Bamboo, pampas grass, plume grass, straw and thatch Similarities:  For the most part grasses have alternating leaves […]

Onion Plant Family

Onion Plant Family

Most of the members of the Amaryllidaceae Plant Family or the Onion Plant Family are rather stinky! Here are some of the members of the onion family: Veggies:  Garlic, leeks, onions, scallions and shallots Herbs:  Chives Flowers:  Alliums, amaryllis & agapanthus Similarities: The onion family tolerates chilly temperatures which means that the annuals (like garlic) […]

Nightshade Plant Family

Nightshade Plant Family

The Solanaceae or the Nightshade Family includes many of my favorite veggies.  Some people are allergic to some of the members of this family.  Thankfully, I am not. Drum roll please. . . now presenting some of the nightshade family members: Veggies:  Peppers (sweet and hot), tomatoes, tomatillos, eggplant and potatoes – Now don’t get all […]

Carrot Plant Family

Carrot Plant Family

The formal name of the carrot family is Umbelliferae which refers to the upside down umbrella shape of the flowers of these plants.  This family could also be called the Umbrella Family!  Here are some of the family members: Veggies:  Celery, celeriac (celery root), carrot, parsnip and parsley root Herbs:  Anise, caraway, chervil, cilantro, coriander, […]

Cucurbit Plant Family

Cucurbit Plant Family

The formal name for this veggie family is Cucurbitaceae – try saying that three times fast!  Most gardeners call it the Cucurbit or the cucumber family.  While this family does not include just cucumbers, see below for some of the members: Veggies:  Cucumbers, summer squash (yellow squash and zucchini), winter squash (acorn, blue hubbard, butternut, delicata, […]

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