Borage Varieties

Common Borage

While there are a few varieties of borage, I am growing Common Borage.  Borage is an herb that you probable won’t find at the supermarket. Best Features: 1) While the stems and mature leaves will get prickly, the young leaves and flowers are edible.  They taste like cucumbers! 2) The bees and other beneficial insects […]

Chive Varieties

Garlic Chives

While common chives taste like onions, garlic chives taste like garlic. Best Features: 1) Garlic chives are perennial plants. 2) They have a garlic flavor and smell which is what makes garlic chives deer resistant! 3) Garlic chives have white flowers in late summer/fall.  The pollinators love the flowers too! 4) The leaves and the […]

Chive Varieties

Common Chives

Common chives are one the first herbs to come up in the garden in the spring. Best Features: 1) Common chives are perennial plants. 2) They have an onion flavor and smell which is what makes chives deer resistant! 3) Common chives have pretty pink flowers in the spring and white flowers in the fall.  […]

Sage Varieties

Purple Sage

Purple Sage has quite a few features that I need to highlight. Features: 1) Purple Sage is edible and very ornamental! Bonus! 2) The leaves are purple and greenish gray. 3) Purple Sage is relatively hardy even in PA which is good for me.  Since 2009, I only had to replace my Purple Sage once. […]

Stevia Varieties


My stevia plant is growing tall and proud this year. Features: 1) Stevia is very sweet like candy. 2) It is a calorie free sweetener for flavored waters, lemonade, tea and other drinks. 3) If given enough room, stevia can grow up to 2 1/2 feet tall and about 1 1/2 feet wide. 4) Around […]

Sweet Marjoram Varieties

Sweet Marjoram

This is the first year that I am growing sweet marjoram. Features: 1) Sweet Marjoram has a sweet and spicy flavor. 2) Marjoram is a Mediterranean herb like Salad Burnet. 3) This herb enjoys full sun. 4) Sweet Marjoram is a tender perennial which means that it is an annual in Pittsburgh! 5) It matures […]

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