Bok Choy Seed Ideas General Gardening

Seed Ideas for Bok Choy

Another spring and fall favorite at Crazy for Gardening is bok choy which comes in different types.  Here is my list of seed ideas. . . The smallest variety that I ever grew was: If you are looking for small plants (with green leaves and white crunchy stems, then check out: If you want a […]

Vegetable Updates

Bok Choy Seedlings

Right after New Years, I started growing bok choy and other greens indoors under my new T5 lights.  Take a look at the pictures of my bok choy seedlings.  I have to admit they are looking great!   I am growing three types:  Violetta from Territorial Seed Company, Asian Pak Choi from Burpee’s International Collection and White Stem from […]