Mint Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Mint

While you can find all kinds of flavors of mint at a plant nursery, there are just a few choices from the seed companies. Always proceed with caution when planting mint because it will spread like crazy. It is perfect for container gardening or hydroponics. I think the best way to enjoy mint is in lemonade, tea or cocktails.

Seed Ideas:

Common – from Botanical Interest

Spearmint – from MIgardener

Mountain – from Rare Seeds

Greek Mountain Tea – from Rare Seeds

Marvelous Mix – the mix from Rare Seeds includes spearmint, peppermint and apple mint

Superior Licorice – from High Mowing Seeds

Korean Licorice – from Grow Organic

Mini – Territorial Seed Company sells pelleted seeds

If you missed my Seed Ideas for Basil, just click on it.

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