Hummingbird Bloom Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Hummingbird Blooms

You can’t go wrong with tubular, bright colored, vining, hanging and/or nectar rich blooms if you want to attract hummingbirds. I include petunias and fuchsia in hanging baskets around my hummingbird feeders. I grow cosmos and vining sweet peas and beans in my vegetable garden.

Just like Edible Blooms, you can do a search on Botanical Interests for blooms that attract hummingbirds. Here are the flowers that show up in the search: Cardinal, Columbine, Cosmos, Cypress Vine, Delphinium, Four o’clock, Foxglove, Hyssop, Nicotiana, Penstemon and Phlox.

Botanical Interests also offers a mix packet called Hummingbird Haven Flower Mix Seeds which includes Bee Balm, Butterfly Weed, Columbine, Coral Bells, Flowering Tobacco, Foxglove, Godetia, Hollyhock, Lupine, Nasturtium, Penstemon, Annual Phlox, Larkspur, Spider Flower, Sage and Zinnia. Not sure why some of these seeds like nasturtium and zinnia do not show up in the search for flowers that attract hummingbirds under plant characteristics.

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