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Lining the Elevated Garden Beds
Well I have a story to tell! It sounds so simple, but I guess I decided too late in the season to find the perfect fabric to line the elevated garden beds online, but I eventually found it locally. Don’t forget that we used cloth mesh on the bottom so I needed fabric so the […]
The Goosefoot Family
I’m not sure which sounds stranger saying the technical name of this family which is Chenopodiaceae or its nickname which is the Goosefoot. If inquiring minds want to know why it is called goosefoot , folks say that many of the leaves in this family look like goose feet. While I don’t think I would […]
African Blue Basil
Not only is this basil plant beautiful, it attracts beneficial insects to the garden. However, you won’t see seeds for this hybrid : ( Best Features: 1) It is a bee magnet! 2) The leaves start out green and as they mature the veins become purple. 3) The stems are dark purple. 4) The […]