Harvest and Store Lemongrass

Harvest and Store Lemongrass

If you need help with how to Sow and Grow Lemongrass, just click on the link.

Harvesting Tips:  1) Cut the outer stem right above the soil line when they are about 1/4 inch thick.  2) Cut the leaves off and remove the brown wrapper around the stem. In the photo the stem with the brown wrapper is on the left, the stem without the wrapper is on the right and the leaves are underneath.  3) Soak the leaves and the stems in water to clean them.  4) You can store the leaves and/or put the leaves and the wrapper in the composter.

Short Term Storing Tips:  5) After the leaves and stems dry, you can store them in the produce drawer in a plastic or glass container.  Typically, I like to harvest as I need the lemongrass as a little lemongrass goes a long way!

Long Term Storing Tip:  

Freezing Tips:  5) After you clean and dry the leaves and stems, cut the leaves in smaller pieces because they are really long!  6) Individually freeze the leaves and stems.  Another option is to chop the leaves and/or the stems freeze them in water, broth or oil in herb or ice cube trays  depending how you are going to use them in the future.  5) Put the frozen lemongrass leaves, stems or cubes in an airtight container in the freeze.

Drying Tips:  5) After you clean and dry the leaves, tie twine around the stems of a bunch of lemongrass leaves and hang until dried. 5) Crumble the leaves.  6) Store the dried lemongrass in a glass container.

My preference is to freeze and store the stems whole because it is quick and simple.  I usually put the leaves in the composter.  Just wanted to give you some options above!

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