Now that you have patiently waited for your carrots, here are my tips for harvesting, storing, blanching and freezing them.
Harvesting Tips: 1) Keep in mind the maturity dates on the seed packet as a rule of thumb. Most carrot are ready in 2 1/2 months.  If you know how wide the tops are supposed to be, then that is another way to know if the carrots are ready. 2) While some specialty carrots are small, don’t worry if you harvest some of the larger types of carrots too early because the baby carrots are still edible. Homegrown carrots at any size are more tender and sweeter than what you can buy at the grocery store. 3) I use a gardening tool such as my Cobrahead to loosen the soil around the carrot root and then pull them.
Short Term Storing Tips : 4) I would suggest rinsing the dirt off while you are outside. 5) Cut the green stems to about one inch above the carrot & add the leaves and stems to your composter. 6) After the carrots dry, put them in a container in the refrigerator.  7) Another short term option is to pickle carrots.

Long Term Storing Tips:  7) Use a peeler to remove a thin layer of the outer skin. 8) Slice the carrots based on how you would like to use them in the future. I like to freeze smaller carrots for stews and the sliced larger carrots for a side dish. 9) Boil the larger carrot pieces about 5 minutes, smaller carrots for 3 minutes and sliced carrots for 2 minutes. 10) Submerge the carrots in ice water for the same amount of time. 11) Let them dry. 12) Individually freeze them on a dish or a tray. 13) Store enough for one meal in a vacuum sealed bag.
If you don’t remember the Types of Carrots available and how to Sow and Grow Carrots, just click on the links.