Gift Ideas

Gifts for Bird Lovers

Since it is the day after Thanksgiving, I thought I would update my gift ideas and provide some new ones for the gardener in your life!  Here is my updated list. . .

Top Ten List:

1) Bird feeders – tube, hummingbird, oriole, thistle, tray/platform, hopper, window, wreath and suet feeders.  Window feeders are pretty cool if you have little ones.

2) Bird Food – peanuts, sunflower and safflower seeds, suet, dried mealworms, grape jelly and sugar water.

3) Trees and Plants – birds love eating fruit right off the trees and plants!

4) Seeds – you can grow sunflowers, safflowers, coneflowers, thistle and peanuts from seed for the birds to eat or you can grow flowers that attract specific birds like hummingbirds.  There are more seeds choices, but you will need to do a little research depending on your favorite  bird.

5) Bird Identification Books – get a book for a specific state or region so you can identify the birds and get to know what they like.

6) Bird Houses – baby birds are so cute!

7) Roosting Boxes – who doesn’t want a warm spot in the winter!  The featured photo on this page is a roosting box.

8) Bird Baths – birds like to bath and drink water all year round.  Did you know that you can buy a heated bird bath?  I don’t have one yet but maybe Santa will bring me one!

9) Binoculars & Cameras – so you can see and enjoy the memories!

10) Window Clings – If you don’t have blinds on your window, the birds might try to fly through the window.  Temporary window clings (not stickers) that you can reposition will help deter this from happening.


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