
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly


Male Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly is a pretty one!  Here are some interesting facts on this butterfly:

  1. The male is yellow with black tiger stripes.
  2. There are two different female versions.  One looks similar to the male but has blue spots on its lower wings.  The other is all black with the blue spots on its lower wings.  I will have to update my post with the black version.
  3. Female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

    The wing span can get up to 4 1/2 inches.

  4. You can find the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail from Ontario down to the Gulf Coast and out to Colorado.
  5. This butterfly loves gardens with the following flowers:  Butterfly Bush, Purple Coneflowers, Milkweed and more.
  6. An adult swallowtail will only last up to 14 days : (

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