While some of my hot pepper seeds (poblano, Anaheim green chili, jalapeno) came from Burpee, the Cayenne pepper seeds came from High Mowing Organic Seeds. The packets are dated from 2013. Don’t forget you can use pepper seeds for a few years. Because I am growing my peppers in a small area, I don’t save […]
Harvesting, Curing and Storing Sweet Potatoes
I know it is hard to wait for sweet potatoes but you should wait until fall to harvest them.  You can wait until the first frost hits but then you better start digging. I just harvested mine last week. Please be careful because sweet potatoes bruise easily. If you recall, I am growing sweet potatoes […]
Red Alert – Bad Veggie Companions for Beets
While some vegetable companion charts show that pole beans (NOT bush beans and peas) are bad companions for beets, I think it is more important to talk about why beans and peas in general may not be good for beets.  If you recall, bean and pea plants take nitrogen from the air and give it […]
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