Vegetable Categories


The Bulb Category of veggies consists of one plant family:

Onion Family:  Garlic, leeks, onions, scallions, shallots and spring onions

Similarities: The onion family prefers to be planted when it is cooler to help to form the bulbs.  While you eat the green leaves/stems of the onion family, the bulbs are the main attraction.  This category enjoys a dose of phosphorus.

Differences:  Scallions and spring onions mature fast unlike the other members of the bulb category.  Egyptian onions are the only perennials in this group.  Most people grow garlic and onions from cloves.   I grow garlic from cloves and the rest of the members (including shallots) from seeds.  The best way to store garlic, onions and shallots longer term is to cure them. The rest of the members taste best fresh.

The last veggie category that we reviewed was the Fruit Category.

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