Soil Additives for Bulbs

Soil Additives for Bulbs

For vegetable bulbs like onions, shallots and onions, I rotate raised beds every year. As for flower bulbs, I usually rotate between bulbs and annual flowers grown from seed in containers. When I plant any bulbs in the fall or spring, I like to add one of the following soil additives: 1) My first choice […]

Spring Bulb Varieties


While we’ve been chatting about indoor blooms like the Bella Palm, it’s time to focus on some spring bulbs like crocuses.  Crocuses are so cute and welcome in spring with vibrant colors. Features: 1) Crocuses come in purple, light purple/lavender, blue, orange, yellow, cream and white. 2) They bloom in late winter or early spring. […]

Vegetable Categories


The Bulb Category of veggies consists of one plant family: Onion Family:  Garlic, leeks, onions, scallions, shallots and spring onions Similarities: The onion family prefers to be planted when it is cooler to help to form the bulbs.  While you eat the green leaves/stems of the onion family, the bulbs are the main attraction.  This category […]