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Blue Hawaiian
When you go to the beach, you have to have one fruity Blue Hawaiian (see the blue drink on the right)! While I had this one at the Tiki Bar, Alan had the Sailor Punch (the drink on the left) in Hilton Head. Ingredients: Cruzan Coconut Rum DeKuyper Blue Curacao Pineapple Slice of Orange Cherry
Cinnamon Basil
Just like Cardinal Basil, Cinnamon Basil is very pretty and the bees love it! Best Features: 1) This variety has reddish stems and pink flowers. 2) Cinnamon Basil is spicy (cinnamon) and sweet (basil). 3) This variety is container friendly. 4) It is edible and ornamental! 5) Cinnamon Basil grows up to 3 feet tall. […]
Botanical Interests
I’ve been purchasing from Botanical Interests for a long time. While I can find their seeds locally, I like to purchase them on-line so I have more choices. Features: 1) Great choices for flowers and vegetables! 2) For some vegetable blend seeds packets that include multiple varieties or colors, Botanical Interests offers color-coded seeds. Check […]