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Mosquito Netting
I’ve been using mosquito netting that I bought from JoAnn Fabrics. What a difference this fabric has made in deterring the cabbage moths and ultimately the cabbage worm. I think I will finally have some fantastic brussels sprouts this year. I always try to keep out the cabbage moth and worm from the brassica family. I […]
Sow and Grow Collards
Even if you don’t like collards, try growing them at home and harvest them when the leaves are young. Collards are a great candidate for hydroponics! Also, you can give collards a head start indoors or directly sow outside. In order to germinate, collard seeds prefer cool soil temperatures between 55℉ and 75℉. Typically, this […]
Darling Shasta Daisy
While I admit that my focus is on flowers that are low maintenance and bloom from Spring to Fall, I have to share a great find that fits the criteria which is the Darling Shasta Daisy! It is “darling” because it is so dainty and cute. You got to love the crisp white petals and […]