Vegetable Categories


While Tubers grow underground like roots, Tubers are high in starch.  Let’s review the members by family and identify the similarities and differences.

Nightshade Family:  potatoes

Morning Glory Family:  sweet potatoes

Aster Family:  Jerusalem artichokes

and Yams

Similarities:  The  edible part of the Tuber category of veggies grows underground on rhizomes.  Tubers are high in starch and enjoy a dose of phosphorous when they are growing.  Try not to bruise the tubers when harvesting so they last longer – don’t expect Tubers to last as long as the Bulbs.

Differences:   While we have not reviewed the plant family that yams are a member of, each Tuber member is in a different plant family.  You plant a piece of the tuber for Jerusalem artichokes, potatoes and yams and slips for sweet potatoes.

In case you were wondering, I’ve only grown potatoes and sweet potatoes!

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