
The Celery is Still Growing


If you recall, I decided to grow celery from scraps this year since celery takes so long to mature from seed.  Growing it from scraps means that I cut about 3 inches from the base of organic celery and stuck it in a bowl of water.   I gave it light under my grow lights while I was growing my tomato and pepper seedlings.  I started this before the last Spring frost.  Don’t forget it starts growing from the middle (see below)!


I actually grew two celery plants early in the season and planted them next to each other in the same raised bed in late Spring under cover.  Here is what the plants looked like in June (see below).  I planted them next to the fava bean plants which have the white flowers in the background.

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While one celery plant did not do as well and was pulled out in the middle of summer, one survived and is still growing!  In fact, I just moved the celery plant to one of my taller cold frames (see below).  I was surprised at how hardy it is.  Sometimes you take a risk moving a full grown vegetable plant but I decided to take a chance so I can still get some celery at least through the Fall.  See 1st picture above for the sole survivor!


I would really like to have two to three plants next year.  Don’t forget when you are harvesting celery, you can just cut a few stalks as you need instead of waiting for the entire plant to mature.  I may try to grow some from seed next spring if I feel patient.



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