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Northern Flicker Woodpecker
While I see the Northern Flicker Woodpecker around the neighborhood year round, we only see it at our feeders in the winter . . . Appearance: The males and females are brown and black with a white rump and black dots over their white chest. They are the largest woodpecker in PA at 12 inches […]
Seed Ideas for Brussels Sprouts
I am starting out with some red/purple seed ideas to add some colorful spark to your garden. While the seed companies call these red Brussels sprouts, I think they look more like purple!  Also, I added the maturity dates to give you some ideas about succession planting. If you check out my article about the […]
Seed Ideas for Fava Beans
There are a few choices for fava beans: Windsor – this variety is commonly sold by most seed companies Sweet Lorane – it is grown for the beans and for cover crops. Ianto’s – this one can reach 6 feet tall – yikes! Robin Hood – this one is ready to be harvested in 80 […]