Tomatillo Varieties

Pineapple Tomatillos

Pineapple Tomatillo fruit and plants do not get as big as their cousins, the purple and green tomatillos.  Pineapple Tomatillo fruit is a whopping 1/2 inch wide and the plant grows to only 18 inches tall and wide.  Since the plant is so lanky,  I would suggest using a smaller tomato cage.  I didn’t this […]

Sow and Grow Tomatillos

Sow and Grow Tomatillos

First of all, I sow my tomatillo seeds in late February or early March indoors in my portable greenhouse.  If you need some seed ideas for tomatillos, just click on the link. I usually transplant the seedling in early to mid May under cover with a hoop and a lightweight fabric just in case the […]

Vegetable Updates

Update on Tomatillo Seedlings

Check out my tomatillo seedlings which I started in mid February.  I originally planted 6 seeds and decided to save 4 seedlings (two green tomatillos called Gigante Verde from Burpee’s Spanish Collection and two purple tomatillos from Ferry-Morse’s Latin Flavors).  Now I am having second thoughts.  I might like to have three of each color.   […]