Harvest and Store Raspberries

Harvest and Store Raspberries

Since we already chatted about how to sow and grow raspberries and my favorite variety called Raspberry Shortcake, not it’s time to harvest and store Raspberries. Harvesting Tips:  1) I wait until the raspberries are a nice shade of light red all around.  Timing is everything.  I definitely want to harvest the raspberries before the birds […]

Berry Varieties

Raspberry Shortcake

I purchased my first Raspberry Shortcake plant in spring 2014 and the second one in summer 2015.   This raspberry plant is part of the Bushel and Berry collection. Previously, I had them in my herb garden.  In 2017, I moved these plants along with my blueberry plants to their forever home which I call the berry […]

Fruits Sow and Grow Fruits Sow and Grow Raspberries

Sow and Grow Raspberries

One of the categories that I use for my website is how to “sow and grow”.  When we are talking about sowing, this refers to fruit, veggies and herbs grown from seed.  While I plant (not sow) raspberries, you get my drift! Outdoor Planting Tips:  1)  Be careful where you plant your raspberries as  some varieties […]