Cabbage Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Cabbage

I am going to break down the seed ideas for cabbage by the types of cabbage we just chatted about. I found these yummy varieties at Botanical Interests, MIGardener, Renee’s Garden and Baker Creek Heirloom (Rare Seeds) Smooth or Round Head Cabbage Seed Ideas: Savoy Cabbage Seed Ideas: Conical Cabbage Seed Ideas: Chinese Cabbage or […]

Types of Cabbage

Types of Cabbage

There are four main types of cabbage with different tastes and different looks!  It is always a good thing to have options. . . Smooth or Round Head Cabbage:  This is the traditional type of cabbage that you will typically see at the grocery store.  This type has a tight, smooth round head with green […]

Sow and Grow Cabbage

Sow and Grow Cabbage

I prefer to grow Chinese or Napa cabbage as it has a milder flavor and takes less space because it does not form a big round head.  You have choices with cabbage as you can give it a head start indoors or directly sow it outside. Also, cabbage can be grown via hydroponics. In order […]