Poppy Varieties

Confetti California Poppies

This is my first year growing California Poppies.  They look pretty and delicate. 1) This blend includes orange, white, red, pink and yellow flowers.  So far, I have yellow and orange flowers. 2) The flowers attract pollinators and deter deer. 3) California poppies tolerate the cold and heat so it blooms from spring until frost. […]

Bloom Varieties

Edible Blooms

I love to look at flowers, but I typically don’t eat them.   I do like flowers as garnishes and floating in a cocktail! If you are interested, there are quite a few flowers that are edible. Here is a list of some of the edible ones: Bee Balm, Calendula, Coneflowers, Dahlia, Feverfew, Hollyhock, Hyssop, Lavendar, […]

General Gardening Other Gardens

Van Gogh in Bloom at Phipps

I went to Phipps in June to see the Van Gogh in Bloom exhibit with my son.  It was very nice as you will see from the photos. “The Night Cafe”. . . “Sunflowers”. . .                     “The Red Vineyards Near Arles”. . . “Starry Night […]