Bean Varieties

Borlotto Lingua di Fuoco Beans

I love the pop of color that these Italian beans provide on the trellis. Features: 1) Borlotto Lingua di Fuoco Beans have pod that are white with red markings. 2) Guess what – the beans are white with red markings too! 3) The pods have up to 7 beans inside. 4) While you can harvest […]

Bean Varieties

Lazy Housewife Beans

Not sure if I like the name but the beans sure are yummy. Features: 1) Lazy Housewife Beans are considered heirlooms. 2) The beans are round and white when dried. 3) This variety is creamy and has a buttery flavor. 4) The Lazy Housewife plants will pole up to 8 feet. 5) The bean pods […]

Bean Varieties

Aztec Cave Beans

I first came across Aztec Cave Beans because I was trying to find a pole version of the pinto bean. Features: 1) Aztec Cave Beans are in the same family as the pinto beans – they are cousins! 2) These beans are also known as Anasazi pole beans. 3) Aztec Cave plants will vine up […]