Bean Varieties

Aztec Cave Beans

I first came across Aztec Cave Beans because I was trying to find a pole version of the pinto bean. Features: 1) Aztec Cave Beans are in the same family as the pinto beans – they are cousins! 2) These beans are also known as Anasazi pole beans. 3) Aztec Cave plants will vine up […]

Sow and Grow Beans

Sow and Grow Beans

Here are my tips for sowing and growing pole and bush beans (not Fava Beans): Outdoor Sowing Tips:  1) Soak the seeds for about 6 hours to speed up germination and/or wrap the seeds in a damp paper towel and put them in a ziplock overnight. 2) Sow the seeds about 1 inch deep when […]

Bean Varieties

Cranberry Beans

This is another bean I like to dry and save for a winter day. Features: 1) This cranberry bean is produced on bush plants that reaches up to 2 feet tall.  This type of bean also come in a pole or vining bean version too. 2) The beans are speckled with cranberry and tan colors. […]