I think dill is a bit tricky to grow.  While,I don’t usually have any issues with germination, dill tends to bolt with the warm weather. Keep in mind that there are some varieties of dill that are hardier!
Outdoor Sowing Tips:  1) In order to germinate, dill seeds prefer soil temperature between 60°F and 75°F. This means that you can start sowing outdoors a few weeks prior to the last spring frost and around 8 weeks before the first fall frost.  2) Dill seeds should be pressed into the soil or planted less than 1/8″ deep. I typically only grow one dill plant at a time. If you want to grow more than one plant, you need to take a look at the seed packet to see how far apart to plant them.
Indoor Sowing Tips:  1) Sow the seeds in seed trays under grow lights in early spring or mid to late summer. 2) I usually transplant in the grow room once the dill seedling is a few inches tall.  After hardening off the seedling, I will transplant the seedling when it is about 5 inches tall under cover in mid spring or late summer.
If you are having trouble with it bolting, you can always grow dill in the summer like baby lettuce by planting the seeds close together under a taller plant – dill is a good for succession planting and interplanting.
Growing Tips: 3) Keep the dill seedlings and plants moist but not soggy! 4) In the summer, provide some shade. As for shade, you can plant dill under taller plants or use a shade cloth over a hoop tunnel.
If you missed my post on how to sow and grow bok choy, just click on the link.