Now I don’t want to show favoritism, but I think this picture is awesome! These folks are not just plain crazy they are the best kind of crazy – Crazy For Gardening fans!
Here some background on my fans. . . I’ve known Kelly since I was quite young and had the pleasure of being her roommate at Pitt.  I was there when she met John – I won’t mention what we were wearing because it was Halloween – yikes! I don’t have any pictures of that event – too bad, so sad! Also, I had the pleasure of being in their wedding.  The lovely young lady in the middle is their daughter, Reagan.
Back to food and vegetables, Kelly read the recent posts on the Charred Salsa and the Fire Roasted Salsa Verde and gave them a try this weekend. We got the thumbs up approval! Based on Kelly’s text of a few questions, I am going to tweak the Salsa Verde recipe for a smaller portion. We typically make big batches and then can them for future use.
Thanks Kelly, John and Reagan!
If you have any fan pictures to share, please email me at sandyatcrazyforgardening@gmail.com