While I am not a huge marigold fan, this type of marigold is so cute! I grew these plants from seeds that I purchased from Botanical Interests.
Best Features:
1) Signet Marigold flowers are cute and dainty at 1/2 to one inch wide.
2) The plants will reach up to 1 foot.
3) The Gem Blend offers three colors – red, tangerine and lemon.

4) Signet Marigold flowers and leaves are edible. I heard that the leaves are like tarragon!
5) The plants are deer and rabbit resistant.
6) Signet Marigolds like full sun and and are drought tolerant.
7) They will bloom from summer to frost – that’s what I like!
I do have one funny story with this flower. It is a little stinky when you brush up against it. So I was out in the garden picking some peppers and I brushed up against one of the Signet Marigold plants. At first, I thought Pepe le Pew was right next to me! Boy was I relieved that it was just the marigolds. My dog, Hoover got skunked once and I would never want that to happen to anyone – totally yuck!
If you missed my post on Mona Lavender last week, just click on the link.