Well who doesn’t like a warm snuggle! Since we moved my grow room from my office on the second floor to an unheated garage, the heat mats were extra important this year – they gave my seeds and seedlings an extra boost! If you go to your local nursery, you should be able to find a seedling heat mat. If not, look for one on Amazon. My mats are from Hydrofarm.

I think seed mats are a must with starting pepper plants and other warm season vegetables and flowers especially in an unheated grow room. First, the heat mat will increase the soil temperature at a consistent rate of 10°F which I confirmed with my soil thermometer!
Two important features to look for in a heat mat: 1) the mat is the correct size to fit under the seed tray and 2) there is a waterproof coating in case the seed trays leak.  I like to check my heat mats each year to make sure the coating is not cracked or ripped.
In case you missed my post on T5 Grow Lights, you know where to click! Stay tuned for the type of containers that I use and don’t use for growing seedlings.