I am still growing the same four hot peppers which are Jalapeno, Anaheim Green Chile, Poblano, and Cayenne. The seeds for these four peppers are available from many seed companies, but I have been buying my hot pepper seeds from Botanical Interests for many years. I have had such good success that I hate to change!
Jalapenos: As for the jalapeno pepper, I switched from the smaller variety to the Jalafuego because it packs more heat and the peppers are larger (up to 4” long). This variety is great for salsa! Also, this variety is high yielding and has way less cracks in the skin. In addition to Botanical Interests, Johnny’s Selected Seeds carries the Jalafuego variety. Burpee carries the Jalapeno Gigante. One of the smaller varieties is call Early Jalapeno which is sold by Botanical, High Mowing Seeds, Johnny’s and Territorial Seed Company. Burpees also carries the Jalapeno M and Biker Billy Hybrid. There is a unique color option offered by Territorial with the Purple Jalapeno.
Anaheim Green Chile: This pepper is great for stuffing and roasting. The variety that I grow from Botanical Interests is the NuMex Joe E. Parker which is also sold by High Mowing and Johnny’s. Territorial sells a variety called Anaheim College 64 – that is a unique name!
Poblano: Love this pepper for chile rellenos. The variety that I buy from Botanical Interest is called Ancho Poblano which is also sold by High Mowing and Burpee. Territorial sells Ancho Magnifico. Johnny’s sells two hybrids called Bastan and Tiburon. High Mowing also sells Bastan. Burpee’s hybrid is called Big Boss Hybrid. Depending on the variety that you select, the peppers can grow between 4 ½ and 6 ½ inches and mature between 65 and 75 days.

Cayenne: Since cayenne peppers are rather hot, we usually dry them for seasoning. I usually grow these peppers in containers on my patio. I personally like the Cayenne Blend from Botanical Interest because the seeds are color coded for the two types of plants – one grows yellow peppers that turn red and the other grows green peppers that turn red. There are other options to choose from such as Ring-of-Fire from High Mowing which I previously grew with success. Johnny’s sells two hot ones called Red Flame and Red Rocket and one moderately hot but sweet one called Cheyenne. Burpee also sells Cheyenne and Dragon Cayenne. Cayenne peppers are typically thin but long and mature between 55 and 70 days depending on the variety.
While I do not grow habaneros, there are quite a few options out there.
The following are some other options for hot peppers:
Botanical Interests: Ghost, Habanero, Hungarian Yellow Wax, Padron, Pasilla Bajio, Pepperoncini, Santaka Hot Asian,, Scotch Bonnet, Serrano Tampiqueno and Thai Hot.
Burpee: Hot Lemon (a South American type), Serrano Chili, Pepperoncini Greek, and Tastemaker Hybrid.
Johnny’s: Hungarian Hot Wax, Padron, Capperino, (a Spanish type) Lightning (a hot banana), Krimzon Lee (a paprika type), Havasu (a Sante Fe type), Hot Rod Serranos, five varieties of Habaneros called Helios, Habanero, Hot Paper Lantern, Golden Ghost, and Numex Suave Orange.
Territorial: Sureno, Mulato, Pizza, Serrano, Thai, Habanero, Ascent (a Thai type) and three types of Ghost peppers: Golden Ghost, Ghost and Chocolate Ghost.
High Mowing: Hungarian Hot Wax, Black Hungarian, Magnum Habanero, Maya Habanero, Purira
When you are selecting a hot pepper seed check out how the seed company ranks the heat.
Let us know how the peppers turn out! You can post photos to our Facebook or Instagram. Happy gardening! 🙂 – Botanical Interests
I will. Thanks for the invite to post photos!