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Sow and Grow Rosemary
In the past, I bought a starter plant of rosemary each summer and put it in my herb garden. If you recall, my herb garden is jam packed with perennial flowers and herbs, but I always save space for two annuals (Rosemary and African Blue Basil). You can buy rosemary seeds but I’ve heard rosemary […]
PVC Hoop Tunnels
I keep my PVC Hoop Tunnels up year round so I can deter bad bugs and provide warmth during cold weather and shade during hot weather. Here are my building tips: We took a pvc pipe that was ¾” wide and sawed it into 6 pieces that were 6″ long. We pounded the 6 pieces […]
Trionfo Violetto Beans
I love this purple Italian bean called Trionfo Violetto which I purchased from Botanical Interests. I have to be honest I started growing it because it was different and a pretty plant. It is a snap bean like the Blue Lake green bean, but the color is very different. The Trionfo flower is violet, the stems and […]