The variety of this kohlrabi is called Vienna and it comes in purple and white. Now this variety is best picked when the bulb which grows above ground is 3 inches wide. That’s when it is nice and tender. If it gets bigger than a tennis ball, you won’t be happy with the flavor. Now there are other varieties out there that do taste good when they are larger. I prefer this one because I can squeeze more in my raised beds and have a variety of color.

While these seeds can be started outdoors under cover about 6 weeks before your last frost, I started my seeds indoors. Here’s what is suggested for this variety of kohlrabi: sow the seeds about 1/4″ below the soil line and they should germinate between 10 and 14 days and space the seedlings between 4 to 6 inches apart.
I purchased the Purple and White Vienna Blend from Botanical Interests. I love how they describe the flavor of kohlrabi on their website as “similar to apples, mild turnips, broccoli stems, radish and cucumber”.
If you missed my post on kohlrabi seedlings, then just click on it.