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My stevia plant is growing tall and proud this year. Features: 1) Stevia is very sweet like candy. 2) It is a calorie free sweetener for flavored waters, lemonade, tea and other drinks. 3) If given enough room, stevia can grow up to 2 1/2 feet tall and about 1 1/2 feet wide. 4) Around […]
Seed Ideas for Herbs
Today I am sharing some ideas for perennial and annual herbs. Some herbs have multiple varieties and some don’t. The List: The following are the perennial herbs that you will find in my garden in PA: Chives Lavender Oregano Sage Salad Burnet Thyme Winter Savory The following are cold sensitive perennials which mean they are […]
Seed Ideas for Penstemon Flowers
I’ve been growing a lot of vegetables from seed but have not done a whole lot with flower seeds. Well this is the year! I decided to grow a perennial flower called Penstemon. People and hummingbirds love this flower! It comes in all sizes but I am growing the dwarf version from Botanical Interests. It […]