I previously mentioned that it is important to identify a beneficial insect that can help with pollination from a pest which can harm your veggies and fruit. Also, you might find some insects are neutral so they don’t really benefit or harm your plants. I found this great app called Picture Insect that I downloaded on my phone. It helps to properly identify insects, butterflies, bees, spiders, etc. There are several app choices so do some research to find out what works for you.
You use it two ways. You can take a picture of a bug while you are in the app or select a picture from your phone’s photo gallery. Within a few seconds, it identifies the insect and gives you some helpful information about the insect. Since I am new to the app, I double check it by doing a search on the internet with the identified bug name to make sure the picture of the bug matches mine. So far, Picture Insect has been very accurate.
After I downloaded the app, I noticed on its website that some people were getting charged. I downloaded Picture Insect for free on Google Play and did NOT select the Go Premium which I think is the fee based option. I will let you know if I have any issues!
If you missed my article about cucumber beetles, just click on the link.