
Cucumber Beetles

There are two kind of cucumber beetles and both fall into the pest or bad bug category.  They cause a lot of damage to the cucurbit family which includes cucumbers, squash, watermelon and cantaloupe – I have to be on my toes because I am growing all four!

Features:  Cucumber beetles are only 1/4 inch long with black heads.  While both types of cucumber beetles are yellow, one has three black stripes on its back and the other has 12 black spots on its back.

Damage:  Cucumber beetles will cause wilt and other viruses.

Eggs:  The cucumber beetle lays the yellowish orange and oval shaped eggs on or just under cracked soil.

Control Measures:  While there are some natural predators or other bugs that go after cucumber beetles, there are some organic control steps you can take. In the spring and fall, you can till the soil lightly to kill the eggs and larvae by exposing them to the elements.  Another good option is to plant later in June after the overwintering adults have moved on.  Use a floating row cover until the plants bloom.  While l try to catch and kill cucumber beetles, they are fast!  I usually use a plastic bag or container filled with water and dish detergent and try to flick the bad pest in the container.

If you missed the last pest that we chatted about, it was the leafhopper.

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