Lily Varieties

Peace Lilies

Did you know that Peace Lilies are technically not lilies?  They are popular indoor plants for the home or the office and are very low maintenance.

Best Features:

1) Peace lilies have beautiful dark green leaves and white flowers.

2) Since they don’t like too much light, part sun is bests.  If you notice that you are not getting many flowers, then put it in location with a little more sun.

3) Peace lilies prefer not to be overwatered.  I water my plant about once a week.  Make sure there are drainage holes in the bottom.

4) I apply slow release balanced plant food once or twice a year.

5) You can get more peace lilies by dividing the roots of your plant and repotting.

6) Peace lilies are from the rainforest so they like heat and humidity.

Another indoor plant that I’ve been growing is a Thanksgiving Cactus.


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