
Northern Flicker Woodpecker

While I see the Northern Flicker Woodpecker around the neighborhood year round, we only see it at our feeders in the winter . . .

Appearance:  The males and females are brown and black with a white rump and black dots over their white chest.  They are the largest woodpecker in PA at 12 inches long.  Also, they have a red stripe on their neck in the back.  Only the males have a black mustache coming down from its beak.

Feeding Habits:  Northern Flickers prefer insects and find ants and beetles a delicacy!  Every once in a while, the Nothern Flicker will visit our suet feeder but not on a regular basis.

Nesting Habits:  The Northern Flicker will excavate a cavity in a tree for its nest.

Eggs: This woodpecker will lay between 5 and 8 eggs in a brood. It will typically lay one brood in the north in a year and two in the south.

Migration:  While some Northern Flickers will stay year-round in PA, others will migrate.

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