Harvested Okra
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Autumn Greens Salad
The Autumn Greens Salad is another fall veggie focused dish from Siempre Algo.  This is a fantastic salad – what a way to welcome autumn! Ingredients: Artisan Greens Pumpkin Cider Vinaigrette – I have to try and replicate this vinaigrette! Crispy Pork Belly Roasted Mushrooms Roasted Pumpkins – not only can you use pumpkins for […]
Borlotto Lingua di Fuoco Beans
I love the pop of color that these Italian beans provide on the trellis. Features: 1) Borlotto Lingua di Fuoco Beans have pod that are white with red markings. 2) Guess what – the beans are white with red markings too! 3) The pods have up to 7 beans inside. 4) While you can harvest […]
While we talked about salsa verde (green salsa) this week, it is time to talk about its redheaded cousin, red salsa. When you have too many tomatoes, you can always make some fresh salsa or can it. Salsa is great for tacos and tortilla chips. Ingredients: 6 -8 tomatoes (depends on the size and how […]