Harvest and Store Lettuce

Harvest and Store Lettuce

Thought I would share my tips on how to harvest and store lettuce today.

Harvesting Tips: 

Most lettuce will mature between 1 to 2 months. Take a look at the seed packet for the best advice.

It is best to harvest in the morning or evening when it is cooler or when the sun is not intense.

You can harvest the whole plant or some leaves as needed. 

If you leave about two inches above the soil line, you can encourage new growth. 

Storing Tips: 

When I bring in fresh lettuce leaves, I soak them in cool/cold water.

Next I spin them in a salad/lettuce spinner. It is best to remove the excess moisture.

Put the lettuce leaves in an airtight container in the fridge. They should last a week or two.

If you need some ideas on how to sow and grow lettuce, I got you covered.

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